M.E.S. Summer Program


Dear Parent/Guardian:

Thank you for choosing Marvin’s Education Services. We are excited about the launch of our MES Summer Program! This 6-week experience will expose students to entrepreneurship while combating summer reading loss. Please complete our application below.

Required signature forms:

Please download, complete and upload all the above files before submitting your student application. Any applications missing the required forms will not be considered. Please consider using camscanner if you do not have access to a scanner.

Student Information 

Date of Birth:

Family Profile

Parent / Guardian 1 Name:
Parent / Guardian 1 E-mail:
Parent / Guardian 1 Cell phone:
Parent / Guardian 1 Home phone:
Parent / Guardian 1 Address:
Parent / Guardian 2 Name:
Parent / Guardian 2 E-mail:
Parent / Guardian 2 Cell phone:
Parent / Guardian 2 Home phone:
Parent / Guardian 2 Address:

Emergency Information 

Emergency Contact name: (Must be different from parent / guardian listed above)
Emergency contact e-mail:
Emergency contact cell phone:
Emergency contact home phone:
Emergency contact Address:
Relationship to student:

Health Information

Health Insurance Carrier :
Policy Holder:
Identification Number:
Group Number:
Is the student currently under a doctor’s / physician’s care? :
If yes, Please explain:
Is the student currently taking any medication? :
If yes , Please explain:
Does the student have any known allergies? :
If yes , Please explain:
Are there any factor(s) that would prevent the student from full participation in daily activities?
If yes , Please explain:
Phyiscians name:
Physicians Phone #:

Student Release Information 

Escort 1 - Name:
Escort 1 - Phone #:
Escort 1 - Relationship to student:
Escort 2 - Name:
Escort 2 - Phone #:
Escort 2 - Relationship to student:
Escort 3 - Name:
Escort 3 - Phone #:
Escort 3 - Relationship to student:
Upload your signed Media Release Form:
Upload your signed Walking Trip Slip:
Upload your signed Emergency Authorization Slip:

I certify that I am the parent / guardian of the student whom I applied for. I certify that any answers given on on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.